New Dawn, New Beginnings

A sunrise to remember!

Brooke Dougherty

Erin Leray, Bella Stokes, Keira Shea, Shayne Leray, Brianna Seaner, and Brielle Guarracino enjoy each other’s company during what was a cold morning!

Photos By Charley Wan

“We need to be reminded sometimes that a sunrise lasts but a few minutes. But its beauty can burn in our hearts eternally,” author R.A. Salvatore once remarked. Same can be internalized into the perspective of senior year, because truly the moment is what matters. For seniors, it is so very signficant to take this time and embrace it while we can before it fades to a memory. Being able to sit back and soak in the goodness is so equally sentimental and fulfilling, and such was embodied this past Friday. Jam-packed with blankets, Dunkin, and coldness, seniors stayed persistent in witnessing the dawning of the magnificent sun. With arrival time being 6:30 AM, it doesn’t go without saying that many were slightly struggling to keep their eyes open. When not huddling for warmth, students stood in line anxiously waiting for their round of bagels, hot

Susanna Imperato, Kaveena Ponamgi, Devon Sutton, Ally Cenci, Grace Canally, and Lauren Bortolotti pose in the beautiful hue of the sunrise
Seniors line up for some free Dunkin!
A sunrise to remember!
Brady Swencak & Alaina Martin know what’s up! Munchkins + Hot Chocolate=the ultimate combo 😉

chocolate, or munchkins. The true campions of the hour were Erin Suter and Alex Levinson, who drove to Dunkin and hauled the order back to East. And the craziness of it all was they didn’t even start making the nearly 500-hundred-dollar purchase until the two arrived at 5:00 AM. Heroes? I think yes. Starting in August, Class Council planned and brought to life senior sunrise for class of 2023, discussing dates & times, determining food, and coordinating that everyone could have a senior shirt to wear on the morning of. And with such success, the morning of September 23rd kindly gifted a beautiful, ombré sunrise that was much more than just picture worthy.  Despite the madness and chaos that can ensue or the ever-clouding feeling of hopefulness, the sun persists to rise welcoming a new beginning. Some seniors came for the symbolism of the moment, others for the aesthetic pictures (which I’ll admit I’m guilty of) and some even just for the free Dunkin, but either way it was a morning that encapsulated the start of a new chapter, the possibilities that this year has yet to entail. Until senior sunset…enjoy senior year.