Sophomore basketball player Haley Moran has made a huge impact on the basketball program at CB East in the last two years. Haley has helped her team achieve success over the past two seasons. She is young but has a bright future ahead of her, using her variety of skills on the court. She has an incredible offensive skill of taking it to the basket, and on the opposite side of the court, she can be a lockdown defender. Haley has been getting good minutes on varsity since she started as a freshman. She is not only a great player but also an extremely hard and humble worker, which she has proved to her team many times with her work ethic and sportsmanship.

What are your favorite aspects of the sport?
“Basketball just clicked for me, it felt natural. I loved the constant adrenaline and always having a team right behind me when on the court.”
What are some of the biggest challenges you have faced?
Haley said that the hardest challenge for her was the change from middle school to high school. As a freshman, she played good varsity minutes and made significant contributions to the team. She talked about how the competition is completely different and a whole other level. She was brought right into that varsity competition immediately and has continued to play a huge role on the Central Bucks East girls’ varsity basketball team.
What are your motivations?
“My parents are my biggest supporters and the people I want to impress. They have always had my back and believed in me since day one.”
Advice to any other athletes?
Haley took this question very maturely, stating to younger athletes, “Just keep pushing, always keep your head up no matter the situation.” She spoke highly of the importance of being a good teammate and the impact you can have on a team just by having a positive attitude and striving to get better. She said, “When you keep your head up, you not only can succeed, but you do not let your teammates down.” For Haley, the ultimate point of the game is to win and have fun while staying in the moment and play for the moment. She hopes to pass that energy down to younger players.
How do you manage the mental side of your training?
Haley said, “I think it is important to use time wisely during school, mainly my time during lunch and learn.” She spoke heavily on how she prioritizes her work at school so her time at home can be relaxing and not overwhelming so that she is “able to focus in fully on [her] games and practices.” She also spoke on how seriously she takes her daily diet and the amount of sleep she gets.